Thursday, July 22, 2010

Safe and sound...and praying for the same

I am relieved to tell you that our paddlers made it their final leg of the trip the other day. This top picture shows you how calm it was at the beginning of the trip. Their final day was the toughest paddle all week, and they were all greeted at the shore with a "You Did It!" from Joss, our 2.5 year old :) He and I were very proud of all of them. We sat off shore looking for them in the swells and choppy water for over an hour and prayed for them all to have the strength left for the last bit.
They encountered many of these little rain showers out on the water. Dallas said it was nice and refreshing (unless he was at camp trying to prepare the meals).
I just had to share this image (above) with you all because I got quite a kick out of it myself. I stay at home with the boys right now, and Dallas runs our guided trips. I don't always get the full picture of the "trips in action". This one helped put me there even more so. That's one of the portable toilets by the way--nice spot for...reflection! Thanks, Anne!
From left to right: Dallas, Anne, Steve & Agnes (and Joss peeking in from the far left--he didn't want to get far from Daddy upon his return). Way to go guys!! You were a great group to have and I know it was a challenge, but "You Did It!"

We are currently in Tropical Storm Bonnie and have a solo sailor out on the water. He's coming back in  tomorrow, but we are praying there are no complications...hopefully just more fun stories to tell!

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