Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting ready to gear up...

October has been busy with prep work for the season to get rolling again. We have our first guided trip next month, as I mentioned in a previous post. We had our first official rental of the season this month. Some of our guests, William & Susie, were celebrating their 25th Anniversary with a Sea Pearl rental! Congrats you guys!! They actually stayed at Palm Bay Beach Resort and took the boat out in the harbor during the days.
 I felt pretty bad when we delivered them their boat. We didn't realize that when they were flying in it was a holiday weekend. So the food stores and everything was pretty much shut down for the first couple days they were here. And to top that off, the restaurant on site at their hotel was being renovated...so they were kind of in a tight spot since they were hoping to stock their room with groceries. We did a quick run to Smitty's (one of our local food stores) to help them stock up on some goodies before we headed out.
They managed to reel in a couple barracuda while trolling in the Sea Pearl and cooked it up while they were here. Sounds like they had a pretty good time, and sounds like we're off to a good start so far. Hope we can keep it up :)
Just down a little road from our house is a beautiful bay called Hooper's Bay. Green Turtles are an everyday sighting down there. Our neighbors were down there swimming the other evening and had a pack of dolphins come and swim with them--practically begging to be touched they said. We haven't had the pleasure of that just yet, but I'll be keeping my eyes out for them for sure :) We were feeding the turtles the other day and trying to get nice and close and then Emit decided to throw his juice in. I guess that's the bait we needed, because they were all coming to check it out.
 Dallas and our friend from Boston, John, went out spearing a lot over the weekend. They pulled up a couple of really pretty conch too. I love how Emit is just dieing to touch it here in this picture :) 
 In the picture above you'll see the slings we use when we are spearing fish. Our guided trips will offer you the chance to learn how to spear fish (if you would like) or you can watch as Dallas spears fish for dinner for you.
 On a very exciting note, our Mako has sold!!!! The new owner, Cedric (pictured below), took her for a test drive yesterday. Before they were back to the dock Dallas had the cash in his pocket and Cedric was already telling Dallas all his plans for the boat! Can't you see how excited they both are below? We're planning to meet him at Chat-n-Chill on Sunday in our 'new' boat :) Good day all around!!
Stay tuned for new pictures of the World Cat--- she should be ready to take out for a test drive tomorrow with her pretty new engines :) 

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Love the underwater shots - very beautiful!!! So cute that the turtles were interested in Emit's bottle :0) CONGRATULATIONS to buyer and seller on the Mako...