Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Doldrums

As I've mentioned before, summer is our slowest time of year. September is by far the SLOWEST month too. Just for fun I have two shots of the same place off of Stocking Island in Elizabeth Harbour. The first one above was taken this week and the one below was taken in March! You can see just from our winter resident boating crowd the difference in our seasons. 
My parents have been down here this last week helping us celebrate Emit's first birthday. The week has been full of exploring and beach/boat fun. We were at a beach just off the main road (look for it when you're passing the Moss Town turn off when you're coming from the airport) :) when Joss and I discovered this cool, um....hole...wall...sand pit??? I don't know what you would call it, but we were climbing on top of these rocks and found this little area to climb in. Needless to say he was pretty excited to slide in it and play around.
Activities for the week obviously included spearing and snorkeling too. We had to feed the Grandparents fresh crawfish at least once :) I think the Lobster Alfredo turned out pretty great, don't you guys? We even had enough to share some fresh tails with our neighbor that is always sharing the fresh fruit with us. 
While we were out, these Moon Jellyfish were all over the reefs. I was completely fascinated with them. They are so pretty, I think... of course I didn't want to get stung, but it's always fun to go out and find new things to look at under the water.
We put the trick of getting by them safely in Finding Nemo to the test... touching the tops only. Also, Dallas told me that was a safe place to touch them. They felt really neat, so everyone I passed the rest of the day got a little friendly touch from me. 
Can you spot our dinner under this ledge? 
My wonderful fisherman, well done my love! You continue to provide for your family :) 
Emit was tired after all the fun and hard work! Must be tough huh? :)

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