Saturday, July 3, 2010

Still here...

First off I need to apologize for being so bad at posting things on here. I always make lists in my head of things to do and stuff to say and then I just never do it. I am very diligent to keep a personal blog for my family and friends with stories of our sons and life down here, so I will try my hardest to do better this time around. I think it's fair to say I haven't had a lot of spare time chasing around a 2 and a half year old, Joss, and his little brother, Emit, who is just now 10 months. But we are getting in to more and more of a routine with the business and things so hopefully I can keep you posted.

Dallas is out right now on a weekend kayaking retreat with his father and church family from Nassau. They took one of the Sea Pearls as the support boat so they could easily take ice and a few more "luxury" items for the weekend that don't fit easily in the kayaks. Last night around 2am they were treated to a nice thunder and lightning storm, but they all stayed dried and cozy in their tents. You gotta love the unpredictability of the Great Outdoors!

As I was driving the length of the island back this morning from dropping a few more people out to the group, I was once again amazed at the little things that are so different living down here. For instance back in Alabama (where most of my family lives these days) after a summer rain you see and hear frogs all over the country roads. I'm not the kind of person that likes to aim for critters in the road to see if I can squish them... on the contrary I play a game of "dodge ball" with them to see if I can save more than I kill. Unfortunately, I can't feel too sorry for them for hanging out on the ONE main road on our island though. However, down here we don't have frogs after rain showers... we have CRABS! I've seen a few really big ones before that folks say can give you a flat if you hit them the wrong way in your car, so those ones are definitely ones to miss. The crabs this morning were definitely not that big though. But they were EVERYWHERE. I had my sons in the truck with me and Joss kept saying "find more prabs (crabs)", and it never took more than a minute or two before we were right in the middle of another swarm of them. It was very distracting so I was pretty much puttering along (and if you have any experience with Bahamian drivers you'll know that doesn't really set well with most of them).

I will be posting very soon with more information about some upcoming trips and special flights that will be around this upcoming season. I am leaving for now with a fresh commitment to keep this thing up-to-date! If you have anything specific you would like for me to post on, feel free to comment and let me know what you'd like to hear.

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