Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Staniel Cay Kayak

The last week we have been preparing for our first ever Staniel Cay Adventure Paddle We had a summer discounted rate for the trip, so it was revised just a little from the usual trip. The revised trip includes a flight from Nassau to Staniel Cay, 7 days/6 nights worth of kayaking and camping (all food and beverages included), and a return flight to Nassau from Georgetown.

I've been more hands on with this trip than I have with some of them in the past. I helped Dallas by planning out the menu. We had a vegetarian and a gluten-free diet to work around on this trip. We try to accomodate as many dietary restrictions/preferences as we can on our trips. The best we can with the limited availability down here and the restrictions we have with having to pack the food in the kayaks with very, VERY limited cooling options. I'm pleased with the menu and hope that it goes over well this week. I won't give away all the secrets on our trips, but here's a few meals and treats they are having:

Fajitas, Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake, Fresh Fish, Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry, Fresh Fruit & Veggies, Black Bean Brownies (which turned out pretty great & are Gluten-Free) and lots of other yummy meals. Hopefully they will feel spoiled and FULL out there :)

We had a beautiful morning on Sunday when we were towing the gear up to Staniel Cay to meet our guests. Can you see the pretty rainbow up above? It's always a sweet reminder of grace to me.
We met the guests in Staniel Cay after a morning of towing the kayaks up from Great Exuma. We left our house around 4 am for our trek to Staniel Cay. The tow up was relatively hassle-free. We had a few little set backs, but nothing major. The weather was gorgeous and the boys did great on the ride. I was a little tired from holding their weight for the journey there and back, but I'll take the snuggle time :)

The timing couldn't have been better. As we were pulling up to the beach, our paddlers were walking over the hill from the airport. This is the only "group" shot I got before the trip while they were packing the kayaks. I'll try to get a good one when they get back in off the water.
Once they got all the gear packed we had a quick lunch there on the beach and then we all jumped in the powerboat to see the swimming pigs and then to Thunderball Grotto.
These pigs are used to boaters coming up and feeding them, so they take off for the boats as soon as they head to the beach.
Joss & Steve were enjoying the pigs from a distance.
Next stop, Thunderball Grotto.
Joss wasn't so sure about going inside until he got far enough in and could see the opening inside. Then he could see all the fish and got really excited.
It feels like you are swimming in a huge fish bowl when you are inside here. It's beautiful and peaceful and fish are everywhere!

The kayakers headed off for their trip after this stop and we made our way back home in the power boat. We'll pick them up when they hit the mainland on Saturday.

So far the trip has gone well, and hopefully everyone is having a good time. They have done some great snorkeling and speared some yummy fish for dinner. We're praying for good weather to continue for their paddle! Until next time...

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Sounds and looks like the trip was off to a great start! Hope the guest enjoy your hospitality :0)