Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brief Little Rundown

As you may have suspected, we've been spending a lot of time out on "Overdraft!" Most afternoons these days are spent with a couple hours of cruising the harbor, snorkeling, taking the boys for a ride and doing any work we can out on the boat :) Yesterday was no different. We headed out to get the boys away from the house for a bit and to go for a nice little sunset cruise. As we were heading out of the harbor, we saw one of our kayakers paddling back toward his hotel. Of course, we had to pop over and say hi. This turned in to a "Hey, you wanna go for a short ride around the harbor?" And then randomly picking up some other folks that we just hanging out around the docks. It turned out to be a fun little afternoon showing off our little island.  

 We took everyone by the famous "Chat-N-Chill" on Stocking Island. Joss just had to show them how we pet the stingrays there at the beach. I love how he's the brave little leader :) I LOVE petting the stingrays, and I think that I have rubbed off just a little. Side note: cute little story about my little guy here. He is potty training right now, and he tells us, "I have to go pee-pees mommy!" So, naturally out here we run the edge of the water so he can go in the ocean. While he's peeing he calls out to the stingray "Come here, stingray, I have some juice for you!" LOL--- we about died laughing :)

 Last night we got a call from our group that is out camping right now and they told us they had run out of fuel. It happened sooner than they had planned, so they needed us to run some out to them today. Needless to say, Dallas was more than happy to work today. Luckily, the weather was one of the nicest days we have had in a while (outside of the harbor at least). Our fuel run was about 70 miles round trip in the boat today....
Square Rock
Blow hole at Boysie Cay
 I don't know who was more excited...our friend and outfitter, Steve, or the boys! Joss & Steve (though generations apart, and living on opposite sides of the USA) were actually born in the same hospital :) Talk about small world! We met Steve for the first time when we took over the company and he is definitely a person we LOVE to see make return trips to our little island.
The group's campsite on Norman's Pond Cay
I just couldn't resist this tide line shot.. such pretty shells!
Dallas was very proud to pull up in our support boat!
 We also took a cooler with some ice cold water to pass out the group. After a couple days of paddling with no refrigeration...we hope it was a pleasant surprise for them!
 Everyone seemed to be having a good time. We didn't want to impose on their plans for the day, so we pretty much dropped them the gear, picked up some misc gear and trash that would hopefully lighten their load the last few days, and then we headed up just a little further north to see a few sites before heading back home.
 This is a really cool underwater cave on the northern end of Normans Pond Cay. You can't miss it if you paddle along the coast of the island. I definitely want to come back and snorkel here. I didn't really want to get in by myself and splash around while Dallas and the boys stayed in the boat... so next time :) So to answer your, I haven't been to all the cool spots up and down the cays yet either. Dallas is the one that gets to go out on all the trips and go to the really cool spots all the time. I've been to a few of them, and plan to get to many more over time. I just don't get all the chances up there like he does just yet. I'll have fun exploring them WITH the boys though :)
 This picture above is taken right as we enter the cut between Bock Cay & Low Cay (don't forget, CAY is pronounced KEY down here). This is one of my favorite little spots that we see on our trips up and down the cays. I just think it is gorgeous through here. There is some really incredible development going on at Bock Cay, definitely deep pockets behind it, but it looks really nice).
 This is another privately owned island, Neighbour Cay, and I just have to give you an insight here. We've been told from some friends that do a lot of development that palm trees (like the forest of them above) cost about $1200/piece. We've seen this island gain trees, so we know they were not all there naturally. In fact, I am willing to bet that maybe a dozen or two dozen we there originally (if even that), but the rest of these have been bought....I'm not mathematician by any means, but that's a lot of PALM TREE$!!! It is really neat though.
 Joss really loved the stop to feed the iguanas. This is the first time since he was about Emit's size that we have taken him to see these. He LOVED them!! He kept saying things like "can I hug it? can I kiss it? Come here 'gana' I wanna play with you!" and chasing them around. Not chasing them enough to really stress them out... so don't worry.
 These things were posing like crazy for the pictures... they were definitely NOT stressed by our presence :)
 This one here kept doing his little chin bump move to me as if he was saying "yeah, wanna piece of me?"
What a beautiful day at the office!!


coachbev11 said...

Amazing!!! Can't wait to come visit again. Love the pictures. Love ya sis!

Cynthia said...

What a great trip!!! So glad you and the boys got to spend time out with Dallas exploring :0) I look forward to going on some new adventures with you all - and meeting all the island critters :0)
Awwwwwwwh, cold water - how refreshing - nice treat!!!

Love you all, Mom